Charlie’s Place is my own personal website, where I talk about stuff that matters to me, including stories from my travels, interesting media and news that captures my attention, social, political, and economic issues and news, and showcase my latest projects and work. Of course this site, Pryor Media, is also to showcase work, but unlike Pryor Media, Charlie’s Place is simply centered around showing what I like, and not attempting to get more clients.
The site includes several features that allow for rapid information sharing and a dynamic viewing experience for about 15-20,000 monthly readers in over 34 countries world-wide. Features including, but not limited to, a clean and responsive design (it looks wonderful on mobile devices), a highly-social community commenting system by Facebook, different page layouts for different purposes, simplified advert placement that doesn’t require knowing any code, and super-simple embedding of video, images, galleries, audio files, documents and more.
While this site gets the least amount of traffic overall in comparison to the other “big three” blogs at Charlie’s Place, it is still my favorite, because it’s personal. It’s the website version of me, and you can learn quite a bit about me, and about the world.